Brrrrr... Its very cold here, in Ushuaia. Eight racers spread some snow here in Southern Argentina.
Then.. lets go the DataGonzo:
This Duplodes victory is the first of a brazilian on any StuntsLOL competition. The best countrys results before this was two second places of Dark Chaser and one second place of Leo Ramone, today called Shoegazing Leo.
Sideshow was a No Time track from the first season. Maybe, because of this and the lenght, was the track with the greatest gap between the first and the last: 33.2 seconds!
Shoegazing Leo raced 0,2 seconds slower in Trujillo than in 2003. He was the only one who sent replay to both races. Duplode and Zak McKracken were faster than Krys Toff, winner of 2003, who made 12450. dreadnaut, Alan Rotoi and dstien were slower than Alain, the second place on that race, with 12935
Alan Rotoi was the winner of Ushuaia in 2003 with 13305, but now made only 13965, slower than Krys Toff, what was 3rd on that race, with 13895. Shoegazing Leo was another time slower than 2003: 13890 against the 13770 what gave this only 2nd place on a Stunts LOL Competition. Duplode was better than the Alan Rotois record with an impressive 12900.
The 2004 Gutixs lap in Anxi was unbeatable. Duplodes made 05805, slower than the incredible 04955 of the retired pipsqueak from Argentina. The 2015s winner made only the 5th best time of this track. Alan Rotoi, called Stunts Oracle on thats year gone from a very strong 05390 (2nd place) to a less strong 05980. Shoegazing Leo gone to a 10670 to a 10800.
Comparing the classifications: Full: DUP-ZAK-ARO-DRE-ABU-LEO-DST-AFU Sideshow: DUP-ZAK-ABU-ARO-DRE-DST-LEO-AFU Trujillo: DUP-ZAK-DRE-ARO-DST-LEO-ABU-AFU Ushuaia: DUP-ZAK-LEO-ARO-ABU-DRE-DST-AFU Anxi: DUP-ZAK-ARO-DRE-ABU-LEO-DST-AFU Duplode was the first on all tracks (and earned 8 extra points for it), Zak McKracken was the second on all, and Afullo was the eight on all tracks. Best positions of the others: - Alan Rotoi: 3rd on Anxi - dreadnaut: 3rd on Trujillo - AbuRaf70: 3rd on Sideshow - Shoegazing Leo: 3rd on Ushuaia - dstien: 5th in Trujillo Worst positions: - Alan Rotoi: 4th on Sideshow, Trujillo and Ushuaia - dreadnaut: 6th on Ushuaia - AbuRaf70: 7th on Trujillo - Shoegazing Leo: 7th on Sideshow - dstien: 7th on Ushuaia and Anxi
Well... its all an..aaa.. aaaa.. aaaatchoooo! I need to go to the hotel... Kermit brings some bifes de chorizo to eat... Then, see you on the next!!!