Boorcity was a race without time in 2002. Then, the 01’16’’50 from Duplode is a record.
Duplode destroyed the Bonzai Joe’s 1’59’’65 of 2003 in Criciúma with a fantastic 1’38’’70. This track, the longest of the package, but fast, had the greatest gap between the first and the last: 1’10’’15. Shoegazing Leo was the only to do the two races. He was the third in 2003 with 2’24’’35 and now scored 2’25’’65, 01’’30 slower. AbuRaf70 was better than Krys Toff, the second in 2003: 2’08’’75 versus 2’13’’15
Duplode beaten the best 2004 lap of Haifa. The Cork’s Crew’s brazilian marked 0’38’’95, better than the Gutix’s 0’39’’25. Shoegazing Leo was another time slower than 2004 going from 1’09’’60 to 1’12’’55, 02’’95 gap. All racers, except Duplode, made slower times than the slowest lap of 2004.
Duplode smashed too the best time of 2004 in Calicut. Gutix and Bonzai Joe scored 1’06’’45 (Gutix won because sent it before). Duplode raced it in 1’05’’75. Shoegazing Leo improved 1’’70 in 11 years. He gone from 1’29’’85 to 1’28’’15. The positions of the another racers if raced in 2004: dstien and AbuRaf70 fifth and afullo sixth.
Comparing the classifications: Full: DUP-ABU-DST-LEO-AFU Boorcity: DUP-ABU-DST-LEO-AFU Criciúma: DUP-ABU-LEO-DST-AFU Haifa: DUP-DST-LEO-ABU-AFU Calicut: DUP-DST-ABU/LEO-AFU Duplode was first on all tracks and afullo the fifth on all tracks Best positions of the others: AbuRaf70: 2nd on Boorcity and Criciúma dstien: 2nd on Haifa and Calicut. Shoegazing Leo: 3rd on Criciúma, Haifa and Calicut. Worst positions: AbuRaf70: 4th on Haifa dstien: 4th on Criciúma Shoegazing Leo: 4th on Boorcity
Well... my bus is coming... but unfortunately is not an Ikarus... See you later!